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Nihal Armstrong #3

It is with sadness that we announce the closure of our charity.

Over the past 18 years we’ve had the privilege of helping hundreds of children and their families get access to equipment and services which were not provided by the state.

We have finally run out of funds but we hope we have honoured Nihal's legacy and made life a little more joyful and easy for our beneficiaries.

We thank all our donors and wish all our beneficiaries the best.

Our Trustees

Our Trustees have been involved with children with cerebral palsy for many years as professionals, parents or people with disabilities themselves.

Anne Emerson
Evi Sideri
Catherine Ford
Rahila Gupta
Sarah Ismail
Sue Gretton

Sarah Ismail

Sarah Ismail I am Sarah Ismail. I have Cerebral Palsy. I was in mainstream education and I passed GCSEs, A Levels and a University degree in English. I am now a writer and journalist specialising in disability issues. I agreed to become a trustee because I understand and have experienced that getting funding for equipment can be difficult, and I think it is important to provide funding for children with disabilities and their parents so that they can receive equipment and support which will improve all their lives. | Registered Charity 1107567 | 111 Chatsworth Road • London • NW2 4BH

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